How do I create a Hypar Designed Shade Sail?

If you have just start looking around at shade sail designs, you will see a lot that is installed with two high posts and two low posts, this is called a Hypar Design which creates a twist in your shade sail, you can only create this design if you have 4 or more fixing points.

A hyper design is easily done with custom made shade sails but can be a bit more tricky with the buy now ready-made shade sails.

The hyper design ensures a strong shade sail that keeps its tension and doesn't flap around in the wind, this design increases tension in the shade sail, reducing flapping in the wind. 

Commonly Asked Questions

What is the standard height of the poles? The standard height for the low fixing point on the poles is 2200mm from the ground

What is the average height difference between the fixing pointsMost shade sail installers would have a difference of around 1 meter or more depending on the size of the shade sail.

Is there a formula for the size of the shade sail? Yes there is, this is the formula example

7000mm x 15% = 1050mm (1050mm would be the height variation to get the hypar design) Pole heights - If you low fixing point is at 2200mm add the1050mm to get the height of the high fixing points which would be 3250mm

5000mm  x 15% = 750mm (750mm would be the height variation to get the hypar design) Pole heights - If you low fixing point is at 2200mm add the 750mm to get the height of the high fixing points which would be 2950mm

This can be made more to get a more dramatic effect.

Which sides should I make high and which sides should I make low? Work out where the sun rises and falls, remember the shade will only be directly underneath the shade sail when the sun is directly on top of the shade sail.

The lower points create a lower edge so the sun can not cut in under it as the higher edges.

Please comment on our post if you have found this helpful or message us with other questions.

The Shady Ladies.


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